GODDESS Health & Wellness, LLC  is a mental health and wellness for-profit organization emphasizing the holistic approach of the mind, body, and spirit that encompasses our specific approach and methodolgy called lineage therapy. GHW mission and goals consists of eliminating the stigma of mental health in multicultural communities, facilitating and supporting individuals and communities with healing and wellness, and engaging in social advocacy.

GHW specializes in treatment of anxiety, depression, mental disorders, sexuality, PTSD and trauma.  We utilize various evidence-based therapy, modalities and creative arts. We provide services to individuals, couples, and groups.

GHW promotes and support clients with historical trauma and intergenerational healing via Lineage Therapy is  Lineal Intrinsic Nurtured Ethnic Ancestral Growth Evolved. Lineage Therapy (LT) emphasizes a holistic approach of the mind, body, and spirit that encompasses specific  perspectives and methodologies (optimal psychology and transpersonal psychology), and powerful spiritual lifestyle. The methodologies treat trauma, focuses on education of  mental and physical health,  sexual wellness, and  lifestyle.  We educate individuals on the importance of the breath/breathing techniques. Therefore, implementing coping and wellness to reduce stress and attain balance in life. Consistency is taught to help the brain as it is  malleable and plasticity create new neural pathways. We facilitate yoga, meditation, and healing circles to support individuals with connecting to self, healing, spirituality, and wellness.

GHW is owned and operated by T. Conswello Davis, a mental health professional and trauma specialist, doctoral student, author, entrepreneur, Kemetic yoga instructor, public speaker/facilitator, and social justice advocate.